Why Go Direct to FlowersRussian?

Why Go Direct to FlowersRussian?

By ordering your flowers using FlowersRussian, you can see and choose your local florist anywhere in the world and Russia. Going direct to the local florist means bigger, more beautiful bouquets and excellent service from local flower experts worldwide. Read on to discover more benefits of going FlowersRussian!

Flowers Delivery Russia By Local Florists, FlowersRussian


Value for money

Ever ordered flowers for someone special and felt there should have been more blooms for your money? You’re not alone! That’s why FlowersRussian is here. Unlike most of the flower power-sellers, we offer you a unique new way to order – direct from local florists worldwide and Russia, but without paying 25% commission to one, two or even three middlemen!

Flower Vase


Local florist experts worldwide

Our site connects you to your experienced local florist as well as those around the globe – and they’re all ready and waiting to deliver your perfect gift by hand.

About Us, Same and Next Day Flower Delivery, FlowersRussian


Same day international flower delivery

By ordering Direct from your chosen local florist it often means your flowers will arrive sooner – very often on the same day, even if it’s on the other side of the world!

Why Go Direct to FR?


Star-rated florists

We’re so confident you’ll love our service that we invite you to submit a star rating once your delivery has been made.

Why Go Direct to FR?


Our guarantee

FlowersRussian own reviews total more than 50,000 and counting.

Why Go Direct to FR?


50000+ Reviews!

FlowersRussian own reviews total more than 50,000 and counting.